What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

  1. asdasdsa
  2. das
  3. da
  4. d
  5. ad
  6. as
  7. dasdad

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Back in 2016, mobile internet usage surpassed desktop internet usage, making your organization's mobile web presence more important than ever. By 2022, it’s projected that 19% of Americans will be exclusively using their phone for web browsing. Businesses, nonprofits, restaurants--organizations of every type--are rightfully emphasizing their mobile web presence to capitalize on this ever increasing flow of mobile web traffic.

But the experience of browsing via a mobile device is much different than that of browsing on a desktop, and web development agencies are beginning to develop an entirely new set of rules and best-practices for designing mobile websites that convert; mobile browsing audiences are often seeking different information or have different motivations than those browsing on a desktop, and different conversion strategies should be used on mobile sites to correctly meet this audience's wants and needs.

Mobile website design has evolved pretty dramatically over the last 5 years. Where mobile friendly sites were originally the norm, responsive, mobile first design has now taken over.

Mobile friendly sites involved the creation of two entirely different websites--one for mobile, and one for desktop. Responsive design has eliminated the need for two separate sites; instead, responsive websites react and adjust to the width of the user’s screen, producing continuity across all platforms with no need for tedious zooming in and out.

Largescale transformations in how mobile websites are designed are now trickling down to the smallest of details that fully optimize conversions from this emerging platform. Attention to detail in design distinguishes a good site from a great site; these are some of the details that take a mobile website to the next level.

Large typography

When you visit a website on your phone, what message do you leave with? Odds are you take away whatever you saw in large text; it attracts the eye and engages users. Bulky paragraphs deter the reader, while simple, large text phrases give the reader a quick “1-2” message that sticks. Strategically placing the most important part of your message in large text ensures that your audience will take away exactly what you intend.

Leaving out clutter

Leave overbearing chunks of text off your landing page to keep your customers from being scared off. We like to think of content as a swimming pool; everyone is comfortable in the shallow end. We keep the deep end around for those who want more, but it doesn't appeal to everyone. Your landing page is meant to appeal to the masses; stay in the shallow end here.

This is not to say that you should completely cut out large chunks of text from your mobile web presence, but judgment strikes quickly on the landing page, so save all that great information for other pages of your site. It's still only a click away for those who are interested, but it doesn’t deter less eager readers.

Include instant calls-to-action

You want people to visit your site for a reason, and you want visitors to understand that reason within the first few seconds of landing on your site. The key here is not to be overbearing with your call-to-action--you don’t want them to immediately feel “pitch slapped” when they visit your site. Instead, adding call-to-action buttons, links, and navigational functionality will lead users to your end goal without taking away from your brand identity and messaging.

Our Favorite Mobile-First Websites


Planetary is a global digital product studio based out of Brooklyn, NY. Some of their premiere clients include Univision, Blue Diamond, and Google. Their mobile first, responsive site nails our first two key trends. It provides a clean, bold, easily readable font, and steers clear of bulky paragraphs that detract from their messaging. Combined with stunning animations that are activated through scrolling, this is an elite site that is miles ahead of the competition.


PLM Paving and Concrete is the premiere asphalt paving and concrete company in the Greater Milwaukee, WI area, and they teamed up with us to create their entire digital presence. Their landing page opens to a background video, and call to action buttons that scroll with the user push them to an easy, one-click conversion. Visitors are not distracted with chunks of unnecessary text, instead quickly being told what they need to know with large, bold phrases.


Mckinsey & Company is a worldwide management consulting agency that helps organizations across the private, public, and social sectors create change that matters. Their site speaks to the quality of the Mckinsey brand. Direct call to actions and clean sections allow users to easily navigate throughout the site, and larger text makes for an easy reading experience. Supplemental media invites users further into the site and maintains their attention to increase conversion potential.


ClarityARTS is a bespoke furniture designer, maker, and installer in the U.K. that has an extreme standard of excellence in craftsmanship. This level of quality transfers beautifully into their website. With a call to action located in the menu and on the bottom of the landing page, the site easily directs consumers towards conversion. The stunning video background with large text overlay creates intrigue and provokes the user to continue scrolling. This site hits all three of our top trends and will stand the test of time--at least for the next few years.

Your Questions, Answered.

Why is mobile first strategy important?

As mobile browsing rates continue to rise, businesses have an opportunity to increase their impact and sales by capitalizing on the mobile audience; it’s about meeting your customers where they are--which is on their phones for about 3 hours a day on average.

I just had my website created in 2016, do I really need a new one?

The answer is subjective, but depending on how innovative your developer was in 2016, your digital presence might need a refresh. Just in the last few years, the experience of mobile web browsing has undergone pretty dramatic transformations, and mobile support for interactive functionalities on responsive websites has been significant. For example, just a few years ago mobile video backgrounds were nearly unheard of. Your website is a validation tool for your business, and it’s an investment that can reap serious returns; keeping up with digital trends is one of the best places you can spend your business development budget as it has the highest potential for return on investment.

What creates conversions on mobile devices?

Design, functionality, and user experience. Simple as that. Just over the past year, consumer trends online have shown that users have an increased chance of purchasing something immediately from their mobile device. Ease of use has a lot to do with this, which is why creative design and user experience creates conversions.

My business sells B2B. What benefits will mobile first strategies provide for me?

All businesses, B2B and B2C, can benefit from emphasizing their mobile web presence. Over 80% of B2B professionals are using their mobile devices for communication and research throughout the day and evening. Just like any good marketing strategy of the past, attention is everything. If you can capture your target audience’s eye from your mobile site, you have a better chance of converting them into your clients.

How do I know what user interactions and experiences will best suit my business?

With more functionality coming to mobile browsers, we will soon see responsive mobile sites that have award winning, elite features only seen before on desktop browsers. Some of these include 3D interactive animations, scroll functions, and more. You’re the expert in your craft, but it’s not your job to know the ins, outs, and opportunities of technology in the digital age. That’s why partnering with a creative agency that follows the trends and knows how to implement the latest and greatest--an agency like goHere--is one of the best investments you can make for your business.